
Portfolio HMS Brown

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Portfolio HMS Blue

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Third-Party Partners

PORTFOLIO HMS® INTEGRATIONS THIRD-PARTY PARTNERS The hospitality technology and service marketplace is changing. Today acquisitions and new start-ups dominate. Many of the 3rd-party systems you rely on will change in the future. Don’t be forced to choose from a...


NEED SUPPORT? We Are Here To Serve You. At Megasys we take the needs of our clients and potential clients very seriously. From the time we begin working with you, you are the focus of our attention. Our goal is to be there when you need to call in an emergency or just...

MegaLynx® GDS / OTA

PORTFOLIO HMS® ADD-ON MEGALYNX® As with GuestRez®, this is also an Online booking tool to allow guests to make online reservations from your website. However, this product goes a step further and also allows connectivity to both Global Distribution Services “GDS” and...

MegaTouch POS

PORTFOLIO HMS® ADD-ON MEGATOUCH POS® This is a stand-alone application that is built within Portfolio HMS® that handles all Point of Sale operations for Restaurants, Food & Beverage, and Retail Outlets. This product is an optional add-on module, however, shares...

CampRez Booking Engine

PORTFOLIO HMS® ADD-ON CAMPREZ®  This is an add-on online booking product mostly used for Campground Booking for RV, Tents, Shelters, Cabins, Cottages, etc. The difference between this product and GuestRez is that it is focused more on the Campground Guest who need to...

GuestRez Reservation Booking Engine

PORTFOLIO HMS® ADD-ON GUESTREZ® This is the main online booking product used for booking Guest Rooms, Lodges, Cabins, Cottages, etc. With this product, you can book Individual or Group reservations, as well as allow discount rates, when applicable. Typically, this...

Request a Demo

INTERESTED IN MEGASYS? Request a Free Demo with Megasys HMS Complete the form below to request a demo and meet the Megasys team. *   Required Input** We’ll get back to you in 1-2 business days

Mark M Jewart

Mark’s Top 5 Gallup Strengths: Strategic, Learner, Achiever, Futuristic, ResponsibilityMark M JewartCOOStarting as a help desk programmer in June 1998, Mark embraced Megasys and involved himself in all aspects of the company’s daily operations with 110% enthusiasm and...

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